Friday, October 24, 2008

Wyat Drinking and Driving!

Wyat is just learning how to ride the Wiggle Bike. He rides his bike until he runs into the grass then he is done. But he is learning very fast how to move his feet and go!

Wyat loves spending time with his FRIENDS. He loves to be outside and play.

1 comment:

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Love your blog. When I lost all my info and had to start all over, that was the blog that I had too. Love that background. I am so proud of you for joining the land of the bloggers, now if you would just join facebook I would talk to you every single day and that would be awesome. Cute pics of the kids. They make me jealous because I don't live there and get to see them every day. Keep your eyes out for a good job for Joe :) just teasing. Love you

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